12 May 2009

Checking In.

I haven't posted for a bit, I know, but I am still folding. I've let other stuff get in the way of photographing and posting my progress, but I plan to buckle down again over the next few weeks. I want to finish this within a year of when I started, so I'm still doing OK, but I definitely need to get back my focus.

I originally started this because it's just something I've wanted to do for a long time. It's blossomed from there, of course, but I was thinking about where I started with this whole journey, the other day, and I was inspired to make a list of other things I'd like to do in my lifetime. It's only 19 items long, right now, but I hope to continue both adding and crossing stuff off this list as I go.

Now, I'm off to hang-up some more cranes.

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