13 October 2008

A Whole 62 More.

So, I don't really get out a lot during the weekend. It's something I'm kind of working on. Because of this, I folded 62 yesterday. I sort of just kept going and going until I finally got sick of folding.

Count and description for each picture is on top, this time.

101 to 110.
From Crane Album

111 to 115.
From Crane Album

116 to 122.
(I wanted to make a purple and gold string to celebrate my recent UW graduation, so I ended up with an off number)
From Crane Album

123 to 142.
From Crane Album

143 to 162.
From Crane Album

Did I mention that I folded a lot this weekend? It's sort of like an addiction, right now. I got to 100 and now I just don't want to stop. Doesn't help that I don't have a lot of money, so I can't really go out anywhere; but, then, I'm glad I actually have something to occupy my time when I can't really go out or go look for a job.

Of course, I don't know quite how I'm going to do this when I finally do get a job. I suppose folding during my lunch is an option.

Right. I got some belated birthday money, so I'm going to be a bit irresponsible for a day and go watch RELIGULOUS. I already bought what I needed with said money, so I'm going to go use that money for something I don't need, now.

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