19 January 2009

I'm Alive.

I got kind of sidetracked by life for a bit, and then I got ill right around the time I was ready to get back into my groove. But, I'm back, now, and I come to you with a few new cranes to offer. I've now broken 400, which is a bit awesome.

384 to 385.
From Crane Album

I folded these two during work, one day, while standing at the front register, rather bored.

386 to 406.
From Crane Album

I did these yesterday while catching up on some of the TV shows I missed last week. I've got a bit over half of this pack of paper left to go before I move onto either the 252 sheet pack of 6" paper or the 200 sheet pack of 3" paper. I can't really decide which I want to torture myself with first.

I hope you all enjoy this historic week!

1 comment:

bobby casumbal said...

Congrats on breaking 400! I just stumbled on your blog today and am happy to see you continuing this. I too started the folding journey just recently. I'll be checking back to see your progress. Good luck!